When the heat turns up!!!
I have realized as I hear from GOD, that life is like pizza! lol I know it sounds funny but think about it. There is a lot of prep for pizza if you start with the bare minimum...you know, from “scratch”. Making the ingredients, and then putting these ingredients together in a perfect measure to insure the best tasting pizza. Then comes the oven! I imagine one of those ovens that basically allow the pizza to roll through and cooks the pizza as it goes through. It comes out the other end of the oven....DONE! I know that some of us are going through a season in life where you feel at a stand still in your relationship with GOD. You say things like, “I just want to get back to where I was”, “I feel like I fell away and don’t know how to get back to where I was with GOD”. May I suggest to you that you may be in preparation stage of your season. Be Encouraged! GOD may be prep-ing you to so HE can put some things together! Maybe you are in a place in your season where you feel like nothing is going the way its supposed to. You say things like, “I asked GOD to (such and such), and I never get an answer”, “I know what GOD promised me, but things seem to be going so far from those promises”. May I suggest to you that you have been prepped to be put together. In this place in your season, GOD is the potter and you are the clay. You don’t get to decide what happens in this part of your season. In this season GOD knows best. May not be what you want to hear, but be encouraged in the fact that GOD is in control and HE loves you! You will see things come together better with time! In the last phase of the pizza process, is When The Heat Turns Up! This can be a depressing, painful, stressful time in life. I need you to know that when the heat turns up on you, that you are almost done! Satan doesn’t want you to be DONE! You are facing battles that you have never faced and old temptations arising from the dirt you put them under. Sometimes you feel like just dying. The pizza just ain’t good if the heat isn’t applied. You put together well, but you would not serve your purpose. Its in this season the the LORD shows you what you are made of! You are almost to the dreams you want for yourself and your family! You are almost to that business you desire in your heart! You are almost to that ministry that the LORD put on your heart years ago! This HEAT, you must go through. This HEAT you must endure! You will make it to the other side DONE! You will begin to serve/better serve your true purpose!
Be Encouraged
The LORD is with you, and Loves you!
GOD works all things together for good to those that love HIM and are called according to HIS purpose!
(Romans 8:31)